"Research Report" is a preprint series issued from our department. Click the serial number of each article to download the PDF file.
T. Iguchi, A mathematical analysis of tsunami generation in shallow water due to seabed deformation, KSTS/RR-09/002, July 29, 2009
A. M. Khludnev, V. A. Kovtunenko, A. Tani, On the topological derivative due to kink of a crack with non-penetration, KSTS/RR-09/001, May 25, 2009
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, A new nonformal noncommutative calculus: Associativity and finite part regularization, KSTS/RR-08/001, April 3, 2008
S. Ishikawa, A new formulation of measurement theory, KSTS/RR-07/009, December 13, 2007
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Ordering and non-formal deformation quantization, KSTS/RR-07/008, November 13, 2007
N. Sakuma, Characterizations of the class of free self decomposable distributions and its subclasses, KSTS/RR-07/007, July 3, 2007
M. Keane, M. Takei, Percolation in lattices with large holes, KSTS/RR-07/006, June 6, 2007
Y. Maeda, S. Rosenberg, and F. Torres-Ardila, Riemannian Geometry on loop spaces, KSTS/RR-07/005, May 9, 2007
F. Schaffhauser, A real convexity theorem for quasi-hamiltonian actions, KSTS/RR-07/004, May 1, 2007
Y. T. Ikebe, A. Tamura, On the existence of sports schedules with multiple venues, KSTS/RR-07/003, March 16, 2007
H. Boumaza, Positive of Lyapunov exponents for a continuum Matrix-valued Anderson model, KSTS/RR-07/002, January 29, 2007
A. M. Khludnev, V. A. Kovtunenko, A. Tani, Evolution of crack with kink and non-ponetration, KSTS/RR-07/001, January 26, 2007
S. Kato, A distribution for a pair of unit vectors generated by Brownian motion, KSTS/RR-06/010, November 29, 2006
T. Iguchi, A shallow water approximation for water waves, KSTS/RR-06/009, October 3, 2006
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Expressions of algebra elements and transcendental noncommutative calculus, KSTS/RR-06/008, August 30, 2006
G. Dito, P. Schapira, An algebra of deformation quantization for star-exponentials on complex symplectic manifolds, KSTS/RR-06/007, July 9, 2006
S. Kato, K. Shimizu, G. S. Shieh, A circular-circular regression model, KSTS/RR-06/006, May 23, 2006
K. Kikuchi, S. Ishikawa, Regression analysis, Kalman filter and measurement error model in measurement theory, KSTS/RR-06/005, April 19, 2006
T. Kawazoe, Uncertainty principle for the Fourier-Jacobi transform, KSTS/RR-06/004, April 11, 2006
M. Nakasuji, Prime geodesic theorem for higher dimensional hyperbolic manifold, KSTS/RR-06/003, March 15, 2006
H.Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Geometric objects in an approach to quantum geometry, KSTS/RR-06/002, March 15, 2006
N. Kumasaka, R. Shibata, High dimensional data visualisation: Textile plot, KSTS/RR-06/001, February 13, 2006
A. Sako, T. Suzuki, Dimensional reduction of Seiberg-Witten monopole equations, N=2 noncommutative supersymmetric field theories and Young diagrams, KSTS/RR-05/006, November 28, 2005
Y. Aoki, T. Kato, New Method of ground reflection coefficient reconstruction and Shape recovery by SAR signal modeling , KSTS/RR-05/005, November 2, 2005
T. Tanaka, Algebraic independence of modified reciprocal sums of products of Fibonacci numbers, KSTS/RR-05/004, July 27, 2005
K. Aoyama, K. Shimizu, A generalization of the inverse trinomial, KSTS/RR-05/003, June 23, 2005
A. Sako, T. Suzuki, Partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories in noncommutative R2D and their unified perspective, KSTS/RR-05/002, April 25, 2005
T. Kawazoe, On the Littlewood-Paley g function and the Lusin area function on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups, KSTS/RR-05/001, March 28, 2005
Y. Maeda, D. Manchon, S. Paycha, From Stokes’ formula to cyclic Hochschild cocycles on classical symbols, KSTS/RR-04/014, December 21, 2004
T. Saigo, H. Takahashi, Limit theorems related to a class of operator semi-selfsimilar processes, KSTS/RR-04/013, November 30, 2004
S. Kato, K. Shimizu, A further study of t-distributions on spheres, KSTS/RR-04/012, October 29, 2004
S. Kato, K. Shimizu, Dependent models on two tori, cylinders and unit discs, KSTS/RR-04/011, October 22, 2004
F. Schaffhauser, Representations of the fundamental group of an l-punctured sphere generated by products of Lagrangian involutions, KSTS/RR-04/010, September 30, 2004
O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, M. Maejima, K. Sato, Infinite divisibility for stochastic processes and time change, KSTS/RR-04/009, September 24, 2004
M. Maejima, R. Shah, Moments and projections of semistable probability measures on p-adic vector spaces, KSTS/RR-04/008, September 8, 2004
T. Tanaka, Algebraic independence of the values of power series, Lambert series, and infinite products generated by linear recurrences, KSTS/RR-04/007, September 6, 2004
A. Sako, T. Suzuki, Recovery of full N=1 supersymmetry in non (anti-) commutative superspace, KSTS/RR-04/006, August 26, 2004
V. Berthe, H. Nakada, R. Natsui, Arithmetic distributions of convergents arising from Jacobi-Perron algorithm, KSTS/RR-04/005, August 23, 2004
M. Keane, Does the Cantor set contain irrational algebraic numbers?, KSTS/RR-04/004, July 27, 2004
T. Tanaka, Algebraic independence of power series generated by linearly independent positive numbers, KSTS/RR-04/003, March 26, 2004
S. Shimomura, Poles and α-points of meromorphic solutions of the first Painleve hierarchy, KSTS/RR-04/002, January 29, 2004
M. Fukushima, H. Tanaka, Poisson point processes attached to symmetric diffusions, KSTS/RR-04/001, January 13, 2004
Rie Natsui, On the group extension of the transformation associated to non-archimedian continued, KSTS/RR-03/009, December 10, 2003
Rie Natsui, Principal convergents and mediant convergents associated to α-continued fractions, KSTS/RR-03/008, December 10, 2003
Akifumi Sako, Noncommutative cohomological field theories and topological aspects of matrix models, KSTS/RR-03/007, December 8, 2003
Qikeng Lu, Shikun Wang, Wu Ke, Global solutions of Einstein-Dirac equation on the conformal space, KSTS/RR-03/006, November 6, 2003
M. Irisawa, M. Maejima, S. Shimomura, A limit theorem for weighted sums of infinite variance random variables with long-range dependence, KSTS/RR-03/005, October 2, 2003
A. Sako, T. Suzuki, Ring structure of SUSY * product and 1/2 SUSY Wess-Zumino model, KSTS/RR-03/004, September 18, 2003
P. Bieliavsky, P. Bonneau, Y. Maeda, Universal deformation formulae, symplectic Lie groups and symmetric spaces, KSTS/RR-03/003, June 26, 2003
S. Koyama, N. Kurokawa,Certain series related to the triple sine function, KSTS/RR-03/002, February 3, 2003
T. Tanaka,Algebraic independence of Fibonacci reciprocal sums associated with Newton’s method, KSTS/RR-03/001, January 14, 2003
S. Ishikawa,Fundamentals of measurements, KSTS/RR-02/013, December 27, 2002
P. Bieliavsky, Y. Maeda, Convergent star product algebras on “ax+b”, KSTS/RR-02/012, November 1, 2002
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Strange phenomena related to ordering problems in quantizations, KSTS/RR-02/011, November 1, 2002
M. Maejima and K. Sato, Semi-L?vy processes, semi-selfsimilar additive processes and semi-stationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes, KSTS/RR-02/010, October 15, 2002
K. Sato, Stochastic integrals in additive processes and application to semi-L?vy processes, KSTS/RR-02/009, October 15, 2002
N. Kurokawa, S. Koyama, Normalized double sine functions, KSTS/RR-02/008, September 6, 2002
S. Bouarroudj, Remarks on the conformally invariant quantization by means of a Finsler function, KSTS/RR-02/007, August 5, 2002
T. Arakawa, S. Koyama and M. Nakasuji, Arithmetic forms of Selberg zeta functions with applications to prime geodesic theorem, KSTS/RR-02/006, July 17, 2002
M. Nakasuji, Prime geodesic theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds: General cofinite cases, KSTS/RR-02/005, July 17, 2002
M. Nakasuji, Error term of prime geodesic theorem, KSTS/RR-02/004, July 17, 2002
S. Koyama, N. Kurokawa, Zetas and Normalized Multiple Sines, KSTS/RR-02/003, June 19, 2002
S. Koyama, N. Kurokawa, Multiple Zeta Functions I, KSTS/RR-02/002, June 19, 2002
Hideaki Omori, Yoshiaki Maeda,Naoya Miyazaki, and Akira Yoshioka, Star Exponential Functions for Quadratic Forms and Polar Elements, KSTS/RR-02/001, January 21, 2002
S. Bouarroudj, Conformal Schwarzian derivatives on a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, KSTS/RR-01/008, November 7, 2001
T. Kawazoe, J. Liu, On the Inversion Formula of Jacobi Transform, KSTS/RR-01/007, September 20, 2001
S. Bouarroudj, Cohomology of groups of diffeomorphisms related to the modules of differential operators on a smooth manifold, KSTS/RR-01/006, September 5, 2001
N. Kurokawa, S. Koyama, Multiple Sine Functions ( I ) : Gamma factors of Selberg zeta functions, KSTS/RR-01/005, August 3, 2001
T. Arai, On the Equivalent Martingale Measures for Poisson Jump Type Model, KSTS/RR-01/004, July 26, 2001
S. Bouarroudj, An Explicit Formula for the Projectively Invariant Quantization on Degree Three on a Manifold, KSTS/RR-01/003, March 26, 2001
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki and A. Yoshida, Deformation quantization of Frechet-Poisson algebras of Heisenberg type, KSTS/RR-01/002, Feb. 6, 2001
S. Bouarroudj, Multi-dimensional Schwarzian derivative revisited, KSTS/RR-01/001, Jan. 9, 2001
S. Bouarroudj and H. Gargoubi, Projectively Invariant Cocycles of Holomorphic Vector Fields on an Open Riemann Surface, KSTS/RR-00/013, Dec. 15, 2000
M. Maejima and J. Rosinski, The Class Type G Distributions on $R^d$ and Related Subclasses of Infinitely Divisible Distributions, KSTS/RR-00/012, Oct. 26, 2000
M. Maejima and J. Rosinski, Type G Distributions on $R^d$, KSTS/RR-00/011, Aug. 17, 2000
H. Nagoshi, Spectra of Arithmetic Infinite Graphs and Their Application, KSTS/RR-00/010, Jun. 9, 2000
H. Nagoshi, The Distribution of Eigenvalues of Arithmetic Infinite Graphs, KSTS/RR-00/009, Jun. 9, 2000
H. Nagoshi, The Selberg Zeta Functions over Function Fields, KSTS/RR-00/008, Jun. 9, 2000
T. Kawazoe, Difference Formula for Jacobi Functions and the Calderon Identity, KSTS/RR-00/007, May. 23, 2000
T. Tanaka, Transcendence of the Values of Certain Series with Hadamard’s Gaps, KSTS/RR-00/006, May. 19, 2000
M. Nakasuji, Prime Geodesic Theorem Via the Explicit Formula of $\Psi$ for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds, KSTS/RR-00/005, May. 16, 2000
S. Shimomura, Pole Loci of Solutions of a Degenerate Garnier System, KSTS/RR-00/004, May. 16, 2000
S. Koyama, Quantum Ergodicity of Eisenstein series for Arithmetic 3-Manifolds, KSTS/RR-00/003, May. 11, 2000
A. Harris and Y. Tonegawa, $L^p$-Curvature and the Cauchy-Riemann Equation near an Isolated Singular Point, KSTS/RR-00/002, May. 9, 2000
S. Koyama, Prime Geodesic Theorem for the Picard Manifold under the mean-Lindelof Hyperthesis, KSTS/RR-00/001, Apr. 10, 2000