"Research Report" is a preprint series issued from our department. Click the serial number of each article to download the PDF file.
S. Shimomura, Value Distribution of Painleve Transcendents of the First and the Second Kind, KSTS/RR-99/003, Nov. 11, 1999
S. Shimomura, Oscillation Results for n-th Order Linear Differential Equations with Meromorphic Periodic Coefficients, KSTS/RR-99/002, Oct. 28, 1999
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Anomalous Exponent for Convergent Star-product on Frechet-Poisson Algebras, KSTS/RR-99/001, Oct. 25, 1999
T. Kumada, L. Hannes, Y. Kurita, M. Matsumoto, New Primitive t-nomials (t = 3, 5) over GF(2) Whose Degree Is a Mersenne Exponent,KSTS/RR-98/009, August 18, 1998
S. Ishikawa, T. Iida, A System Theoretical Characterization of Factor Analysis,KSTS/RR-98/008, June 27, 1998
S. Ishikawa, Statistics in Measurements, KSTS/RR-98/007, June 27, 1998
M. Maejima, K. Sato, T. Watanabe, Completely Operator Semi-Selfdecomposable Distributions, KSTS/RR-98/006, June 12, 1998
T. Kawazoe, Wavelet Transforms Associated to the Analytic Continuation of the Holomorphic Discrete Series of a Semisimple Lie Group, KSTS/RR-98/005, June 12, 1998
M. Maejima, K. Sato, T. Watanabe, Operator Semi-Selfdecomposability, (C, Q)-Decomposability and Related Nested Classes, KSTS/RR-98/004, April 17, 1998
S. Koyama, Prime Geodesic Theorem for Arithmetic Compact Surfaces, KSTS/RR-98/003, April 17, 1998
S. Shimomura, A Confluent Hypergeometric System Associated with $\Phi_3$ and a Confluent Jordan-Pochhammer Equation, KSTS/RR-98/002, Mar. 11, 1998
M. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki, A. Yoshioka, Groups of Quantum Volume Preserving Diffeomorphisms and Their Berezin Representation, KSTS/RR-98/001, Mar. 11, 1998
M. Maejima, K. Sato and T. Watanabe, Remarks on semi-selfsimilar processes, KSTS/RR-97/013, December 1, 1997
Y. Tonegawa, On the regularity of a chemical reaction interface, KSTS/RR-97/012, September 25, 1997
K. Fujiwara, The second bounded cohomology of a group acting on a Gromov-hyperbolic space, KSTS/RR-97/011, September 25, 1997
K. Fujiwara and A. Nevo, Maximal and pointwise ergodic theorems for word-hyperboic groups, KSTS/RR-97/010, September 25, 1997
S. Ishikawa, Fuzzy logic in measurements, KSTS/RR-97/009, September 24, 1997
K. Nishioka, T. Tanaka and Z.- Y. Wen, Substitution in two symbols and transcendence, KSTS/RR-97/007, July 14, 1997
T. Tanaka, Algebraic independence results related to linear recurrences, KSTS/RR-97/006, July 14, 1997
M. Maejima and K. Sato, Semi-selfsimilar processes, KSTS/RR-97/005, June 2, 1997
M. Maejima and Y. Naito, Semi-selfdecomposable distributions and a new class of limit theorems, KSTS/RR-97/004, June 2, 1997
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, N. Miyazaki and A. Yoshioka, Poincare-Cartan class and deformation quantization of Kaehler manifolds, KSTS/RR-97/003, June 2, 1997
Y. Maeda, S. Rosenberg and P. Tondeur, Minimal orbits of metrics, KSTS/RR-97/002, June 2, 1997
M. Nakano, On an n-th order linear ordinary differential equation with a turning-singular point, KSTS/RR-97/001, June 2, 1997
H. Takayanagi, A Note on Satake parameters of Siegel modular forms of degree 2, KSTS/RR-94/001, March 31, 1994
K. Fujiwara, Laplacians on A Graph, KSTS/RR-93/002, March 16, 1993
H. Takayanagi, On Standard $L$-Functions attached to ALt$^{n-1}$({\cal C}^n$)-valued Siegel modular forms, KSTS/RR-93/001, February 17, 1993
Y. Maeda, S. Rosenberg, and P. Tondeur, The Mean Curvature of Gauge Orbits, KSTS/RR-92/007, November 12, 1992
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, Existence of a Closed Star Product, KSTS/RR-92/006, September 30, 1992
H. Kozono, Y. Maeda, and H. Naito, On the Existance of a Global Solution for the Yang-Mills Gradient Flow on 4-Manifolds, KSTS/RR-92/005, September 30, 1992
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, A Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebra, KSTS/RR-92/004, June 4, 1992
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, On a Construction of Deformation Quantization of Poisson Algebra, KSTS/RR-92/003, June 4, 1992
N. Kikuchi Holder estimates of solutions for differential equations of elliptic-parabolic type, KSTS/RR-92/002, April 25, 1992
H. Takayanagi Vector valued Siegel modular forms and their L-functions; Application of a Didderential operator, KSTS/RR-92/001, March 23, 1992
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, The Uniqueness of Star-products on $P_n(C)$, KSTS/RR-91/007, October 24, 1991
H. Kano and I. Shiokawa, Rings of Normal and Nonnormal Numbers, KSTS/RR-91/006, September 10, 1991
H. Kano, A Remark on Wagner’s Rings of Normal Numbers, KSTS/RR-91/005, September 10, 1991
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, Deformation Quantization of Poisson Algebras, KSTS/RR-91/004, September 1, 1991
T. Kawazoe, A relation between the logarithmic derivatives of riemann and Selberg zata functions and a proof of the riemann hypothesis under an assumption on a discrete subgroup of $SL(2, R)$ , KSTS/RR-91/003, August 9, 1991
S. Koyama, Selberg zeta functions and Ruelle operator for function fields, KSTS/RR-91/002, September 1, 1991
H. Omori, Y. Maeda, and A. Yoshioka, Non-commutative complex projective space, KSTS/RR-91/001, February 18, 1991
I. Shiokawa, Pade Approximations to Certain Power Series, KSTS/RR-90/008, December 17, 1990
Y. Nakai and I. Shiokawa, A Class of Normal Numbers, KSTS/RR-90/007, December 17, 1990
K. Kuroda abd H. Tanemura, Limit Theorem and Large Deviation Principle for Voronoi tessellation generated by Gibbs point process, KSTS/RR-90/006, December 1, 1990
T. Kawazoe, Szego Operators and a Paley-Wiener Theorem on SU(1,1) , KSTS/RR-90/005, September 14, 1990
T. Takahashi, H. Tsubaki and M. Sibuya, Monte-Carlo Computation of Multivariate t Probabilities, KSTS/RR-90/004, March 20, 1990
R. Shibata and M. Takagiwa, New Environment for Statistical Interface (NESI), KSTS/RR-90/004, March 20, 1990
R. Shibata, M. Sibuya and M. Takagiwa, D & D examples, KSTS/RR-90/002, March 20, 1990
R. Shibata, M. Sibuya and M. Takagiwa, Data and Description Rule, KSTS/RR-90/001, February 7, 1990