

タイトル Reviewing recent understandings on Maxwell’s demon
開催日時 2019年11月27日 13:30 - 14:30 + 30 min
講演者 Akinori Tanaka 氏
場所 Keio University, Yagami-campus, Bldg.14th,
Room 631 A/B
内容 Around 1867, J. C. Maxwell, who is famous for his name in fundamental equations on electromagnetism, had introduced a thought experiment called "Maxwell's demon" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell%27s_demon for example). Maxwell's demon is a kind of automaton determining its moves based on observations of the target system, and it 'hacks' the target system and enable to break the 2nd law of thermodynamics at least superficially. Understanding it might be fruitful in the study of machine learning somehow, so I would like to review this topic from basics on thermodynamics to modern interpretations as possible as I can.