

タイトル The shoreline problem for the nonlinear shallow water and Green-Naghdi equations
開催日時 2018年5月30日 16:45 ~
講演者 Professor David Lannes (University of Bordeaux)
場所 慶應義塾大学理工学部 14棟 631A/B (創想館 6階 ミーティング1A/1B)
内容 The nonlinear shallow water equations and the Green-Naghdi equations are the most commonly used models to describe coastal flows. A natural question is therefore to investigate their behavior at the shoreline, i.e. when the water depth vanishes. For the nonlinear shallow water equations, this problem is closely related to the vacuum problem for compressible Euler equations, recently solved by Jang-Masmoudi and Coutand-Shkoller. For the Green-Naghdi equation, the analysis is of a different nature due to the presence of linear and nonlinear dispersive terms. We will show in this talk how to address this problem. This is a joint work with G. Métivier