

タイトル On a recent progress in the theory of steady waves with vorticity
開催日時 2019年6月28日 15:00 ~ 16:30
講演者 Dr. Evgeniy Lokharu(Linköping University)
場所 慶應義塾大学理工学部 14棟 631B
(創想館 6階 ミーティング1B)
内容 The first construction of a travelling wave with vorticity goes back to Gerstner in 1802, who explicitly obtained a periodic solution in infinite depth with nonzero vorticity. The first result for finite depth is due to Dubreil-Jacotin in 1934, who used a power series construction. However only after the paper of Constantin and Strauss published in 2004 this topic has got close attention from the mathematical community. In my talk I will give an overview of a recent progress in the field. In particular, this includes new results on solitary waves, doubly periodic waves and a discussion about the methods.