

タイトル Deformation Equivalence Classes of Surfaces with b1 = 1, b2 = 0
開催日時 2013年11月11日 16:30-17:30
講演者 MURAKAMI, Shota (Keio University)
場所 14-733(14棟7階ミーティング3)
Given a real 4-manifold M , a primitive problem is to ask whether the number of deformation equivalence classes of surfaces homotopy equivalent (or diffeomorphic) to M is finite. Friedman and Morgan have proven that given a smooth real 4 manifold M with b1(M) not equal to 1, the number of deformation equivalence classes of surface di ffeomorphic to M is finite. They also proved that the number of deformation equivalence classes of surfaces homotopy equivalent to M is fi nite except in the case when M is homotopy equivalent to a elliptic surface whose fundamental group is finite cyclic. In this talk, I will like to present my result which answers the question when b1(M) =1 and b2(M) = 0.