Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2018


  期間: 20183133(土)

  会場: 慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス 来往舎2階 大会議室(アクセス

  世話人: 秋山 茂樹 (筑波大学),天羽 雅昭 (群馬大学),平田 典子 (日本大学理工学部),桂田 昌紀 (慶應義塾大学経済学部),岡崎 龍太郎 (東京大学非常勤講師),田中 孝明 (慶應義塾大学理工学部)

   本研究集会はJSPS科研費15K04792,15K17522,17K05182 などにより一部助成を受けております.


プログラム (PDF, English Page, Abstracts of the talks)



10:10 10:15  Opening

10:15 11:05  Daniel Duverney (Baggio Engineering School, France)

Irrationality of the sums of certain series of reciprocals of Fibonacci numbers

11:20 12:20  Yuri Nesterenko (Moscow State Univ.)

G-functions and algebraic independence

14:10 15:10  Federico Pellarin (Univ. of Saint-Etienne)

From modular forms to algebraic independence

15:25 16:05  金子 元(筑波大学)

On the digital expansion of algebraic numbers (a joint work with Makoto Kawashima (Osaka Univ.))

16:15 16:50  宮之原 永士(早稲田大学)

Transcendence of the series generated by a generalized Rudin-Shapiro sequence

17:05 17:35  安冨 真一(東邦大学)

Certain multidimension p-adic continued fraction algorithm and cubic numbers


10:20 10:50  川島 誠(大阪大学)

Linear independence of special values of logarithm revisited (a joint work with Noriko Hirata-Kohno (Nihon Univ.))

11:00 12:00  Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua Univ.)

Periods, logarithms and multiple zeta values

14:00 15:00  Pietro Corvaja (Univ. of Udine)

Betti maps of sections of abelian schemes and functional transcendence

15:15 16:00  安福 悠(日本大学)

Integral points in one- and two-parameter orbits

16:10 16:45  佐野 薫(京都大学)

The arithmetic degrees for self-morphisms on semi-abelian varieties (a joint work with Yohsuke Matsuzawa (Univ. of Tokyo))

17:00 18:00  Wade Hindes (City Univ. of New York)

Prime divisors in orbits and Galois groups of iterates


18:20 20:20  懇親会(来往舎 ファカルティラウンジ)



10:20 10:55  山田 智宏(大阪大学)

A diophantine equation related to odd perfect numbers

11:05 11:45  鈴木 雄太(名古屋大学)

On relatively prime amicable pairs

12:00 12:50  永田 誠(大阪薬科大学)

Stochastic models related to lattice points of a right-angled triangle: on the fluctuations in the number of points

12:50 13:00  Closing

Previous meeting: DARF 2017